Recipe for Action: Advocating for Comprehensive Sex Ed in Your Community.

May 1, 2019

Young people have the right to lead healthy lives. Evidence-based sexuality education that is honest, complete and accurate is proven to reduce teen birth rates and increase healthy decision-making. Providing young people with the skills and tools to make healthy decisions about sex and relationships is far more effective than denying them information and simply telling them not to have sex.


  • A cup of commitment- to improve the health and well-being of young people.
  • A dash of analytic skill that will help you take a deeper look at sexuality education in your community.
  • An ounce of organizing- targeted to parents and grandparents who will join with you to effect powerful change in your schools and communities.
  • An overflowing cup of courage as you work with the educational system at the local and statewide levels.
  • A sprinkle of fun and humor as you get in touch with your own fears around talking about sex and sexuality!


  • Talk with your grandchildren, their friends or other young people about what they have learned from sexuality education in their school. Is it adequate? Do they need something more?
  • Learn about sexuality education standards in your state here.
    • If the standard is comprehensive sexuality education, contact your local school district to ensure that the program is comprehensive.
    • If they teaching abstinence-only-unless married education, recruit parents, grandparents and teens who can advocate for evidence-based sexuality programs with school administrators or the school board.
  • Evaluate school board policies and teaching materials used in classrooms.
    • Develop a list of concerns, comments, or issues to ask if school policies are outdated or inaccurate.
    • Share your list with the school principal, superintendent, or school board.
  • Contact your local family planning program or youth-serving organization to explore ways to educate community members about the need for evidence-based comprehensive sexuality programs that lead to healthy decision-making.

Quality sex education includes information about sex, sexuality, relationships, contraception and condoms, and how to protect yourself and plan your future.

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