Our good friend and loving colleague, Jane Elizabeth Fisher, passed away in 2020. To honor her life-long work in reproductive justice, GRR! established this fund in her name to support young activists who are engaged in reproductive health, rights and/or justice work in their school and/or community. We’re thrilled to announce the first round of recipients. Join us in supporting these folks in their important work!
To learn more about Jane Fisher, her Legacy Fund, and how to apply for future scholarship opportunities click here.

Hey there! I’m Jenn Ferguson and my pronouns are they/she. I am a fat, disabled, non-binary birthworker from Maine who is passionate about fat liberation and reproductive justice. I am now enrolled at the National College of Midwifery to finish out my midwifery education after my previous Maine midwifery school unexpectedly closed. I am looking forward to giving back to my community here in Maine as a Certified Professional Midwife.

Gabrielle (She/They) is a Black queer Midwifery and Women’s Health Nurse Practitioner student at Yale School of Nursing. They have a bachelor’s degree in Social and Behavioral Sciences from the University of Southern Maine, and a master’s in public health degree from the University of Illinois at Chicago.

My name is Sophie O’Clair and I am a nonbinary/queer psychology student at Thomas college with a focus on accessibility and sexuality. As a Behavioral Health Professional, and a training Sex Educator, I started an Instagram account called Sex Ed By Sophie (@sexedbysophie), where I post twice per week using assistive techniques, with new material that covers different elements of intersectional Sex Ed, that includes representation of queer, disabled, fat, neurodiverse, gender-expansive, and racially diverse communities.

Emma Donnelly (they/she) is a Master’s of Public Health student and Shaw Innovation Fellow at the University of Southern Maine, a student advisor for the American Society for Emergency Contraception, and the assistant director of the local women’s shelter. Over the next year, they will be studying the barriers college students face in accessing Emergency Contraception across the state of Maine and how we can address these barriers with short and long-term solutions.