Most of us want to see big changes in our country. But that’s not happening if none of us change anything about how we go about living our lives. Changing our nation isn’t a one-person show! Together, though, we can move mountains!
This Tuesday, pick one small thing that you can do to move our country in the right direction. You may already have an idea of what that looks like for you. Here are a few ideas, as well:
1. Call your two Senators and one Representative to ask them what they are doing to support women’s equality, access to health care, comprehensive sexuality education, structural racism, or whatever you care most about. You can find them here.
2. Contact your local League of Women Voters chapter and ask them if they have a voter registration event coming up that you can volunteer for. We’re going to need massive turnout in November to win locally and nationally.
3. Find the campaign website of your favorite candidate and sign up to volunteer for them. It’ll be at the top of their website – it’ll say Volunteer or Get Involved.
Whatever it is that you care about, whether it is a particular policy issue that you want to fight for or you want to change the make-up of Congress, you can find something to do today to get you closer to that goal. Every action adds up!