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Join Grandmothers for Reproductive Rights and End Abortion Stigma for a critical discussion with Pregnancy Justice Senior Staff Attorney, Kulsoom Ijaz, on the realities of pregnancy criminalization in a post-Dobbs U.S. landscape.

In the first year after the Dobbs decision, at least 210 pregnant people faced criminal charges for conduct associated with pregnancy, pregnancy loss, or birth–which is more than any year prior. We join Pregnancy Justice in envisioning a future where pregnant people’s human rights are realized & no one is criminalized because of their actions during pregnancy. This moderated discussion will explore the urgent problems that vulnerable pregnant people face in our current abortion legal landscape as well as necessary solutions.

Pregnancy Justice (formerly National Advocates for Pregnant Women) defends the civil and human rights of pregnant people, focusing on those most likely to be targeted for investigation, arrest, detention, or family separation — poor people, people of color, and people who use drugs.

Kulsoom Ijaz (she/her/hers) is a senior staff attorney at Pregnancy Justice. Prior to joining, she was a staff attorney at the Center for Reproductive Rights, litigating reproductive rights cases nationwide. She also championed tenants’ rights as a senior staff attorney at Legal Services NYC, ensuring safe, affordable, and fair housing. As a founding advocacy chair of the American Muslim Bar Association, she brings her passion for community and coalition building to every endeavor. Kulsoom also formerly rehabbed birds, finding inspiration in the lessons they offer about collective liberation.

Closed captioning will be provided via Zoom. Reach out at about additional accommodations, and we will do our very best to make it happen. This event is free & open to all.

  • Date : October 9, 2024
  • Time : 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm (America/New_York)
  • Venue : online